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After successful annual group exhibitions since 2020, the Galerie Katapult again celebrates eight international and local artists and their works from different contemporary art genres - a visual experience full of emotions.
EVENTS OF THE MONTH Saturday, May 7, 18:00
Vernissage and live camouflage bodypainting by Stephanie Künzli Ycaza & Suti
Ponsana @sutidaghost @ncd_studio Sponsored by RIVERA Wine & Gourmet
Saturday, May 14, 17:30 Tropical sounds by El Fresko @djjugglefresh_aka_el_fresko.
Saturday, May 21, 17:00 IBERPASION.CH Presentation and tasting of Spanish Cava D.O. by Agustín
Sánchez. Uncork your knowledge of the world of Cava
Saturday, May 28, 17:30 Finissage: DIMITRY SHULGA - The electric guitar performer will play a selection of his instrumental rock compositions website: